Illustration drawing
Date: 16 January 2025 19:30
Location: Lange Geer 44A, 2611 PW DELFT
PRICE: €20,00
Would you like to improve your drawing talents? Here’s your opportunity!
Prometheus is organising a drawing workshop inspired by the drawings of Quentin Blake. You will use pen and ink for the outlines and details. Once the ink is dry you can use watercolor paint to give your drawing color.
Quentin Blake is the master of spontaneous drawing and his way of capturing the essence of the illustration with a few lines is dynamic. The gesture of the persons in the drawing and their movement is more important that the exactness of the anatomy. You will learn to embrace this way of drawing; a great way to accept that not everything needs to be perfect to be good!
Xandra is our teacher and she will supply all materials needed. Your workshop includes the lesson, ink and watercolour.
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