Golden Ten Run 5k

Date: 29 May 2025

Location: Delft Centre

PRICE: 7,50

The Golden Ten Run is a huge running event which takes place in the centre of Delft on Ascension Day, which is Thursday May 29th this year, a national holiday. It’s usually great weather and the town turns out to spectate at this event.

You can choose to run the 5 km or 10 km. The route will take you from the centre of the town into the Delftse Hout area. The route then returns to the centre of town and finishes on the Burgwal.

Prometheus will arrange a base at one of the restaurants and our team is happy to take care of your personal belongings. Afterwards there will be a snack and drink for you.

The price to run the race, which includes a Prometheus running shirt, is €7,50 for our members. You will also, if desired, receive a souvenir Golden Ten t-shirt.

TU Delft colleagues, who are not yet a Prometheus member may register via this link. We will send you a payment request for €10. Only when that payment has been made is your participation definite. TU Delft colleagues also receive a Prometheus running shirt, to loan and, if desired, a Golden Ten souvenir shirt

The 5k starts at 1.15pm


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